Healthy Eggs Benedict ( Yes, it's possible)

Sooo… Eggs Benedict have been one of my favorite breakfast options ever since I can remember.

I enjoy them sooo much, but I was limited to only eating them on “special occasions” because of all the fat content that they have, specially the hollandaise sauce. So, guess what? After days of trial and error we finally got to the perfect + healthy eggs benedict! You won’t believe how great they taste.




Healthy Hollandaise sauce:

  • 1 egg yolk

  • 3-4 tbsp sugar free + nonfat plain Greek yogurt

  • Lemon juice drops

  • Cayenne pepper

  • Salt

  • optional: 2 drops truffle oil

  • 4 turkey breast slices

  • 2 eggs

  • 1 tbsp white vinegar

  • 1 whole wheat English muffin


In a double boiler, heat the egg yolk with lemon drops until emulsified.

Take in and out of the heat

Slowly add Greek yogurt, returning to the heat until all of it is in the sauce

Season with cayenne pepper, salt, and truffle oil (if desired)

Toast English muffin and heat up turkey breast

In simmering water, poach the two eggs

Serve in this order: english muffin, turkey breast, poached egg, healthy hollandaise and garnish with micro greens

NOTE: This recipe, as well as most of my recipes are recorded step by step in my Instagram story highlights. Please feel free to take a look :)

Much love,

