How to: Meal Plan

Hello you guys!

I get asked very often how is it that I plan my weekly meals and do my grocery lists. I narrowed it down to 15 tips that I’m sure will help you get a bit more organized and start doing weekly meal plans! I hope you enjoy!

1. Start with what you’ve got

You don’t want to overstock your fridge and freezer. An easy way to always have fresh produce is use what you have before going back to the supermarket. Get creative about it, sometimes the best meals come from leftovers you never thought would go great together. 

2. What’s in season?

Ok, once it’s actually time to go to the supermarket it’s great to quickly check what fruits and veggies are in season, this will make your dishes even more yummy just by choosing wisely. 

3. Receive family input

What does your family think? Did they like a recipe you tried and want to have it again? Are they craving something specific? Your mom’s lasagna? That veggie stir fry you made one day? 

4. Go to meals?

It’s important to have a couple go to meals, those you know and could make with your eyes closed, you wouldn’t want to be pressured/stressed cooking new recipes everyday. Maybe limit to 1-3 adventures a week, keep the rest simple. 

5. What are you in the mood for?

What are you craving? Chicken tacos? Arrabiata pasta? A simple salad? Get those in your weekly menu as well! 

6. Use proteins as a base

For me, it’s always easy to meal plan base on proteins. For example: chicken dinner on Monday, salmon on Tuesday, turkey on Wednesday, fish on Thursday, beef on Friday.... and get creative with the rest. You can use the same strategy for side dishes: quinoa and steamed veggies on Monday, fresh salad on Tuesday, mashed sweet potato and grilled asparagus on Wednesday....

7. Themes might help

Themes! A great idea, you’ll be all trendy and have fun while doing it: meatless Monday, taco Tuesday.... and you can create some themes with your family, Jorge and I love #saladmondays and #cauliflowercrustpizzafridays

8. Stock your pantry

Note this, you can never have an overstock pantry. Get tons of nuts, seeds, grains and play around! 

9. Follow recipe blogs and save the ones you like

Save the recipes you like for those weekly adventures! If you are constantly looking at food on Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube you’ll start to get really creative when it’s your turn to meal plan & cook 

10. Get a calendar

The calendar has 2 main purposes, the first is that it’s very easy to forget plans you already have when meal-planning. That work-related dinner you have on Thursday night? That’s a night off from planning! And also, you can play around dividing each day in breakfast, lunch, dinner and do a draft of what you’ll have each day. 

11. Shop once a week

Let’s be honest, going grocery shipping isn’t necessarily our favorite thing to do. Make your life easier and once you get your calendar and grocery list go to the supermarket! I like meal planning on Sundays and get it over with early in the week by shopping on Mondays. 

12. Do your Grocery list while menu planning

It’s way easier to write down all your groceries while planning, you can research what you’ll need and everything’s fresh in your head. If you try to do it later there is a strong chance you’ll forget a thing or two. 

13. Schedule leftovers

Leftover night is ALWAYS a good idea

14. Life happens, be flexible.

Ok, we know not everything go as planned. It’s ok to go off the plan if you are just not in the mood for that certain dish and feel like eating something else. And this brings me back to #1, use everything you’ve got before going back to the supermarket! 

15. Cook once, eat twice

Of course! If you’re cooking grains or veggies do a very big batch to enjoy in different dishes throughout the week. For example: steamed veggies as a a side dish for salmon on Monday and then the same veggies in a stir fry on Wednesday night! 

And last but not least. ENJOY IT, every little thing.

Much love,


How ToMariana Garza